TÂM SỰ VỚI CHÚA - SÁNG 01-12-2021 Details Category: 23. Tâm Sự Với Chúa Như Người Bạn Mo Nguyen HIS GREAT MERCY MORNING PRAYER (Wednesday 01st December 2021) Dear Lord, We pray for the sick and suffering that they will be healed. We pray for those who have died recently and all those whom anniversaries occur at this time. May they find peace in eternal life among the communion of saints. Merciful God, through these prayers, continue to show us the way to your peace. We trust in you, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Merciful God: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=merciful+god+song+youtube&docid=608043476664536496&mid=2EA91BA829DE4872B4722EA91BA829DE4872B472&view=detail&FORM=VIRE Tình Chúa Cao Vời - Boundless Love | Angelo Band (Lyrics Video): https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=T%c3%acnh+Ch%c3%baa+Cao+V%e1%bb%9di+-+Boundless+Love+%7c+Angelo+Band+(Lyrics+Video)+song+youtube&docid=608044520346027554&mid=62E00AD26CDBE003E26962E00AD26CDBE003E269&view=detail&FORM=VIRE https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Tinh+Chua+song+youtube&docid=608011792694861225&mid=13EDDF50B8E844F1017F13EDDF50B8E844F1017F&view=detail&FORM=VIRE Prev Next