TÂM SỰ VỚI CHÚA - SÁNG 07-12-2021

    Mo Nguyen


                                     ADVENT MEANS COMING


    MORNING PRAYER (Tuesday 7th December 2021)






    We light a candle each Sunday to prepare our hearts.

    Do you remember that ADVENT means COMING?

    We are in the second week of Advent – only two

    More Sundays before CHRISTMAS!

    Let us do what Saint John the Baptist asked

    People to do and be ready to welcome Jesus.

    Have you thought of something for this week?


                                    Advent Song Week Two:


                                                                       Advent Song Week Two - Bing video





                      Linh hồn tôi tung hô Chúa - MAGNIFICAT:


              Linh hồn tôi tung hô Chúa - MAGNIFICAT - Bing video