    Mo Nguyen




    MORNING PRAYER (Wednesday 21st December 2022)

    Dear Lord,

    For all pregnant women, especially those experiencing difficulties, that they may find strength through prayers to our Blessed Mother.

    For our own parish community, that we will accept the challenge to model our lives on the life of Christ, in response to his call to lead lives of holiness.

    We pray for our sick family and friends and for those who feel forgotten in their hour of need.

    We pray for those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they be welcomed by God to their heavenly home.

    God of everlasting love, we ask you to answer our prayers that only your will be done in and through us. We ask this in His name, Christ Jesus, our Lord.


                                   Hope is a Star All Verses:

                         Hope is a Star All Verses - Bing video


                                     Màn Đêm Lung Linh:

                                                                        (728) Màn Đêm Lung Linh - YouTube