    Mo Nguyen
    Jun 8 at 5:09 AM
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                            OH HOLY SPIRIT


                       PENTECOST SUNDAY / C  - 09 JUNE 2019

                                 REFLECTIONS ON THE GOSPEL

                                          (Jn 14: 15-16, 23-26)

                                     THE CHURCH EMPOWERED

                                               WITH THE SPIRIT

    Luke is the evangelist who has most memorably depicted the bestowing of the Spirit upon the Church, locating the experience on the Jewish feast of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11). As its name in Greek indicates, this feast took place fifty days (seven weeks) after Passover. It involved a pilgrimage to Jesusalem, where Israel gathered to give thanks for the completion of the grain harvest and to celebrate the gift of the land.

    The theme of gathering appears in the lists of visitors to Jerusalem from so many regions who hear the testimony of the Spirit-filled apostles each in their own language. The primary reference is to pilgrim from the Jewish diaspora, but we can find here also a foretaste of the universal mission of the Church. The renewed People of God is now being empowered and equipped for its mission to be a ‘light for revelation to the nations’ (Luke 2:32). Overcoming the disunity of humankind symbolised by the tower of Babel (Gen 11:1-9), the Church will speak in many languages. Through each it will convey the same essential message: the outreach of God’s compassionate love for the world (‘the marvels of God’).

    In the Gospel, taken from St John, the risen Lord imparts the Spirit, along with the gift of peace, to the disciples on Easter Sunday evening. He has died as the ‘Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world’ (1:29, 36; 19: 36). Now it is their task to take to the world the reconciliation he has won from the Father.

    Brendan Byrne, SJ

    Holy Spirit Come - Hillsong Worship:



                          HOLY SPIRIT COME


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