    Mo Nguyen


                                                                 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT – YEAR A

                                                                                   04 DECEMBER 2022

                                                                           BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                   CHANGE OF HEART (Matthew 3: 1-12)

    By the time Isaiah wrote, Israel had had some centuries of experience of kings, both good and bad. In that time there had been plenty of opportunities to learn what were the qualities that marked an ideal king – the presence of the spirit of the Lord, wisdom, insight, integrity, fairness, faithfulness, and concern for the poor. The longed for messiah would establish true quality of life, where even natural enemies would be able to live in peace.

    One of the vexing problems Paul addressed among the Christians of Rome was how to overcome division and encourage tolerance, understanding and peace. His solution was to use the example of Jesus’ tolerance and love as the basis and springboard for our way. In this way, even Jewish and Gentile Christians who were divided on the issue of food laws, would be able to live in peace with one another as they waited for the Lord’s coming.

    As John the Baptist began his ministry the time of the messiah, longed for by Isaiah, was finally dawning. The hope that had sustained generations was now being realised. John looked upon the evils of his day and saw that while the messiah was soon to return the people were not yet prepared to greet him. They mistakenly relied on belonging to the people of Israel by virtue of their birth. John saw that such children of God were as plentiful and as worthless as the stones that made farming so difficult. Then, as now, what was called for was a change of heart and an openness to the invitation to prepare for the Lord’s coming among us.



                     Change My Heart Oh God by Eddie Espinosa:

                          Change My Heart Oh God by Eddie Espinosa - Bing video

               Thánh Ca và Đời Sống - Trời Gieo Sương Xuống - Lm. Hoàng Kim - Ca Đoàn Teresa Long Beach:

    (667) Thánh Ca và Đời Sống - Trời Gieo Sương Xuống - Lm. Hoàng Kim - Ca Đoàn Teresa Long Beach - YouTube