    Mo Nguyen                                                            


                                                                                 CHRISTMAS TIME 

                                                                                25 DECEMBER 2022

                                                           THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD – SOLEMNITY

                                                                                AT THE VIGIL MASS

    A REFLECTION (Matthew 1: 1-25)

    MARY WILL GIVE BIRTH TO A SON AND YOU MUST NAME HIM JESUS. Tonight we celebrate the realisation of the angle’s prophecy to Joseph. God is born of a woman. Jesus is one of us for ever. From now on no human being need be called ‘Forsaken’ or ‘Abandoned’ but rather ‘God’s Delight’.

                                   AT THE MASS DURING THE NIGHT

    A REFLECTION (Luke 2: 1-14)

    I BRING YOU NEWS OF GREAT JOY. You share the joy of the angels and the shepherds as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. He is one with us, in times of darkness and hardship, in joy and celebration.


             (701) Angels We Have Heard on High with Lyrics Christmas Song and Carol - YouTube

                            Đêm Thánh Vô Cùng - Hợp Ca Asia | Aisa 6 | Nhạc Giáng Sinh:

                Đêm Thánh Vô Cùng - Hợp Ca Asia | Aisa 6 | Nhạc Giáng Sinh - Bing video