    Mo Nguyen - Nov 30 at 1:37 AM


                                    FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT / A

                                              01 DECEMBER 2019




                     REFLECTIONS ON THE GOSPEL (Mt 24: 37- 44)

                                    READINESS FOR THE LORD

    Advent is the time when the Church longs for the coming of the Lord. We believe, of course, that the Messiah has already come in the person of Jesus, born at Bethlehem. But state of our world makes us acutely conscious of just how ‘unfinished’ the business of salvation is. So, with the early believers who keenly awaited Jesus’ second coming, we can still identify with the expressions of hope for salvation expressed by the people of the Old Testament. In today’s First Reading the prophet Isaiah gives us a vision of peace based on nations setting aside their desire to wage war.

    Paul urges the Christians in Rome to live like people expecting an important visitor. Though it is still ‘dark’ – in the sense that salvation is not complete – they rise early, to have all ready for him when he comes.

    Jesus develops this theme of readiness in the Gospel, employing a favourite image: the prudent householder. Jesus does not want to suggest that God deliberately waits to catch us out. The image makes the simple point that, since one never knows when a burglar will strike, prudent householders do not allow themselves to be distracted by all kinds of activities. They keep a sharp ear and a keen eye for anything unusual. Christian life similarly involves keeping a sharp ear and a keen eye for the coming of the Lord – and not just for his coming at the end of time but for all the various ways and guises in which he comes into our lives every day.

    Brendan Byrne, SJ

    First Sunday of Advent - Two-Minute Homily: Bishop Ken Howell:





    Plumb - Lord I'm Ready Now (Official Lyric Video):




    Chân thành sám hối – LM Thái Nguyên:
