    Mo Nguyen
    Sat, Feb 29 at 2:55 AM


                         JESUS TEMPTED BY SATAN

               FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT – YEAR A – 01 MARCH 2020

                  REFLECTIONS ON THE GOSPEL (Matthew 4: 1-11)

                                              TRUST UNDER TEST

    Both Scripture and the lives of the saints suggest that when people are called by God for some purpose they soon go through a period of test. In hearing and following God’s call they may experience a great sense of affirmation and freedom. But then comes a ‘desert’ experience, often prolonged, in which they learn far more deeply what it is to be a human being in close relationship to God. Stripped of the usual props and comforts, and with all illusions unmasked, they come to feel their own human powerlessness and utter dependence upon God. Only so can they become effective instruments and channels of God’s grace in the world.

    Each of the first three Evangelists portrays Jesus undergoing such an experience of test following his baptismal reception of the Spirit.

    Matthew’s account has strong echoes of the experience of Israel recorded in Deuteronomy, chapters 6-8. During their forty-years wandering in the desert the people could expect God to give them food (the manna), protection from enemies, and eventual entrance into the Promised Land. But they were not to put God to the test by trying to force the divine hand.

    The three temptations put to Jesus all contrive to get to him to do precisely this: force God’s hand in these same areas: food, protection, and possession of the land (understood now as involving lordship of the entire world). Dismissing each suggestion with a word from Scripture, Jesus sets the direction of his life irrevocably. He will carry out his messianic task in complete trust, obedience and unselfish love.

    Brendan Byrne, SJ

    Hillsong - Desert Song - With Subtitles/Lyrics




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