    Mo Nguyen

                                         SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT – YEAR B

                                                            06 DECEMBER 2020




                        PREPARE THE WAY OF GOD!

                                             BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                           (Mark 1:1-8)  

                                              BELIEF IN GOD’S PROMISES  

    The life of faith is one in which the believer is inevitably called to deal with the tension between God’s promises and our present experience. When the people of Israel were dragged into exile their experience was that their God was powerless to save and that the ancient promises had been forgotten. It is at precisely this moment that Isaiah dares to proclaim a message of hope in the midst of desolation, pardon instead of punishment, and that the God who can subdue all things will again stoop to gather the weak and lead them home. Peter’s Christians were clearly worried by the fact that the Risen Lord had not come back in glory as they expected. How could this be interpreted other than as a sign that God’s plans had somehow changed, or that God no longer cares? Peter’s response is that, despite appearances to the contrary, God’s delay should be seen as an opportunity for us to make ready for the Lord’s return. It is a moment of grace rather than a sign of God’s lack of fruitfulness.


    When John the Baptist declared that the longed-for Messiah was near, his contemporaries must have wondered if it was possible. How could this come to pass when the province of Judah was powerless under the rule of the Roman empire?

    Advent is always a reminder that the call to believe comes to us in the midst of the complexity of life. It meets us head-on with a challenge: are we prepared to take the risk of believing in God’s promises?

    Christopher Monaghan CP                                

    Song: God of promise:




     Như Lời Ngài Đã Hứa - Thánh Ca Hay Nhất (Isaac Thái):
