    Mo Nguyen
    Fri, Apr 16 at 10:12 PM

                                                                                              THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER – YEAR B

                                                                                                                18th April 2021




                                                                                                                       THE CALL TO BE WITNESSES  



                                                                                             BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                                THE CALL TO BE WITNESSES (Luke 24: 35-48)


    Justice is often understood as fairness or even-handedness. The biblical tradition would not deny this but would tend to see justice as primarily about being in right relationship with God, oneself and others. Someone who is able to live in such a way would be seen to live in shalom (peace). On this Third Sunday of Easter these two dimensions are stressed. The first and second reading deal with Jesus as the just one who invites us to find and maintain balance in our relationships with God, ourselves and others. In the Gospel it is in relationship with the risen Jesus that we find true peace, as he leads us out of our fears and gives each one of us a new task – to be faithful and courageous witnesses. Peter reaches out to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and re-opens the case for Jesus. He does not deny their mistake but states that since they acted in ignorance in killing Jesus the opportunity is still there for them to review their previous judgement and now accept Jesus as their saviour and come into right relationship with him. It is the Risen Lord who appears to the disciples and helps them to understand that even his brutal death was part of God’s saving plan. Furthermore, his present among them will lead them to overcome their fearful relationship to the world. A new relationship is called for since now they are given a new task, to be witnesses to the whole world.



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