    Mo Nguyen
    Fri, Jun 4 at 4:00 AM




                                                        BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST  

                                                        THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS – YEAR B

                                                                            Sunday 06th June 2021


                                                                          BREAKING OPEN THE WORD


                                                                         BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST

                                                                                     (John 19: 31-37)

    The idea of killing animals and then sprinkling their blood on an altar is foreign and abhorrent to many people of the 21st century. It would be fair enough to say that the last things we would expect to see on a Sunday morning would be the carcass and blood of an animal on the altar and our pastor holding a butcher’s knife! The ancient people saw such sacrifices with different eyes than ours. Sacrifices were symbolic of their desire to express the precious nature of the bonds that united them to the living God. Sacrifices were a sign of the sealing of the relationship between a people and their God, such as the sacrifice of Moses in the desert. Sacrifices were an important means of healing the rupture of this relationship that came about through human failure and sin. They were a sign of promises made, broken and renewed, of new beginnings and the return of peace.

    The letter to the Hebrews expresses beautifully how the early Church came to appreciate that in Jesus’ death all that the old sacrificial system had striven for was now finally achieved. Jesus’ gift of his life is not an event that is limited to one time and place. Rather, his gift is one that continues to have the power to restore, renew, and bring us into the fullness of life. This is ultimately the gift we celebrate in the Eucharist where, faithful to Jesus’ command, we gather to be nourished, healed, and renewed.



    Charity Gayle - Thank You Jesus For The Blood (Lyrics):







    Thánh Tâm Chúa Yêu Con:

