    Mo Nguyen

                                                          TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B


                                                                                        17 OCTOBER 2021




                                 GREATEST THROUGH SERVICE


                                                                          BREAKING OPEN THE WORD


                                                                        GREATEST THROUGH SERVICE

                                                                                     (Mark 10: 35-45)


    James and John were two especially privileged disciples. Called on the first day of Jesus’ ministry with Peter and Andrew, they were special witnesses to the raising of Jairus’ daughter and to the Transfiguration. While the other disciples knew this, they were not prepared for their audacious and ambitious request to share in Jesus’ reign. Jesus had no sooner predicted, for the second time, the fate that awaited him in Jerusalem than they revealed their complete failure to comprehend Jesus’ message. Their request unmasked their ambition and desire for power. Service and giving oneself for others are to be the hallmark of the Christian community, and the manner in which greatness is to be expressed. Like the suffering servant of Israel who takes on the punishment which is due to others Jesus will give his life so that others might live. This is what is required of those who would be leaders in the Christian community.


    In speaking of Jesus as the great and eternal high priest there was the danger that early Christians would then feel in some way distant from the one who had saved them. The letter to the Hebrews makes the point that even though Jesus’ death and resurrection have brought him into the highest heaven he has not lost sight of the people. That Jesus was without sin does not mean that he does not understand our human situation. He has shared our human experience and is therefore able to mediate on our behalf with mercy and grace.




    Servant Song with Lyrics Written by Donna Marie McGargill, OSM:








