    Mo Nguyen



                                                                  THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD – YEAR C


                                                                                 09 JANUARY 2022




                                        BAPTISM OF THE LORD


                                                                        REFLECTIONS ON THE GOSPEL


                                                            BAPTISM OF THE LORD (Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22)


    In the midst of the terror, loss, and grief of the exile, Isaiah spoke words of hope, consolation, and healing. The inhabitants of Jerusalem wondered whether God had abandoned them. Would their suffering extend into a dark and hopeless future? When all seemed lost a word of hope was proclaimed – a word that went to the heart of Jerusalem. They could now look forward to the return of the exiles, the rebuilding of the city, and a future in which they could rest assured that God was among them.

    Late in the first century, the letter to Titus reflected on the ways that God had been true to that promise of presence and gentle care through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Cleansed by baptism, and renewed by the gift of the Holy Spirit Christians were now called to respond appropriately by the manner of their own lives. God had been gracious to them and now they were called to respond by living good and religious lives as they waited for his return.

    The Gospel passage today informs us that the people looked at John the Baptist with the eyes of hope, filled with longing for religious reform and liberation from the power of Rome. Isaiah proclaimed to the people of Jerusalem: ‘Here is your God.’ When Jesus comes for baptism this word is now radically enfleshed in the person of Jesus himself. He will gather the weak and the wounded, the blind and the lame revealing God’s compassionate and gracious love.



    Come To The Water | John Foley | Catholic Hymn | Choir with Lyrics | Isaiah 55 | Sunday 7pm Choir:







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