    Mo Nguyen





    08 MAY 2022


                                                                           BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                HOPE IN FACE OF TRIAL (John 10: 27-30)


    The lives of each of us are touched by the realities of death and suffering in our world. As Christians, we are challenged to dig deep and explain the basis for our Christian hope. Why should Christians be hopeful? Why should we not give in to despair and disillusion? What is the basis for our belief that God’s love is more powerful than the forces in our world which oppress and cause suffering?

     Like ourselves, the first Christians had to deal with these problems. Opposition and persecution were realities for the earliest Christians and today’s readings show something of the early Church’s response to such difficulties. Paul and Barnabas faced the opposition of Jewish communities as they preached the good news of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles. They had come to see that the good news was meant for all nations and, by preaching the message of Jesus, the call to be light for the nations would be fulfilled.

    Some years later the Christian communities in Asia Minor were persecuted by Diocletian. It was a brutal and fearful time as Christians saw their brothers and sisters put death. The book of the Apocalypse was written to encourage these Christians not to lose heart since Jesus had overcome death and he would shepherd them amidst their suffering.

    The Johannine community had to deal with the distress and anguish that accompanied the expulsion of Christians from the synagogue. It is in the midst of such turmoil that they are reminded that with Jesus as their shepherd they need only listen to his voice to be assured of eternal life.




                                             The Lord's My Shepherd:

                         (242) The Lord's My Shepherd - YouTube


         Chúa là mục tử tôi - The Lord's My Shepherd (Jessie Seymour       Irvine):

           (242) Chúa là mục tử tôi - The Lord's My Shepherd (Jessie              Seymour Irvine) - YouTube