    Mo Nguyen



                                                                         PENTECOST SUNDAY – YEAR C

                                                                                       05 JUNE 2022

                                                                           BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                         COMMUNICATING OUR FAITH (John 14: 15-16, 23-26)


    Through the gift of the outpouring of the Spirit, the first disciples were empowered to preach the message of Jesus in language that could be understood by all. To this day Pentecost remains a model for the continuing life of the Church as we seek to speak meaningfully to the people of our own time.

    One of Paul’s greatest strengths as an apostle was his creativity and tireless search to communicate, in contemporary language, the meaning and consequences of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Like a cutter of precious stones, he was always bringing new facets to light, always searching for new ways to explain and communicate what he believed. He knew that Pentecost was experienced by a chosen few and yet all Christians had been baptised into the love of Father, Son and Spirit. The gift of the Spirit enables all of us to call on God as Abba, as Father, sharing in the inheritance and promises of Christ himself. With this gift comes leaving our enslaved past behind. Since the Spirit has made a home in us, we should live accordingly.

    Similarly, the Gospel calls us to actualise the gift of the Spirit we have received through our faithfulness to Jesus’ command to love one another. That first Pentecost the disciples spoke in ways that could be understood by all. The simplest and most powerful language we have is being faithful to Jesus’ command to love one another.



                             Consuming Fire - A Great Song for Pentecost:



                                                7 Ơn Chúa Thánh Thần:
