    Mo Nguyen




                                                   FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR C

                                                                                 10 JULY 2022

                                                                    BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                        CREATION BORN ANEW (Luck 10: 25-37)

    The unifying theme of today’s readings is being at peace with God, oneself and others. For Deuteronomy, the call is to find peace through faithfulness to the Mosaic law. While the challenge seems daunting, it is possible. The Gospel expands this by calling us to find true peace by loving our neighbour. The parable of the Good Samaritan challenges us to see that it is not a question of determining who my neighbour is, as much as to whom I can be a neighbour. 


    The reading from the letter to Colossians is one of the Church’s earliest hymns and it is a powerful and beautiful reflection on the place of Jesus in God’ saving plan. In the light of the resurrection, the first Christians quickly came to see that what had happened in Jesus of Nazareth could not be limited to his earthly ministry. It had become impossible to speak of God’s plan of salvation without seeing Jesus as its centre and lynchpin. Paul sees Jesus as the unifying and life-giving force behind all of creation. While the hymn stresses the pride of place that Jesus has in God’s saving plan as well as his lordship of all creation, the place and role of the cross in not forgotten. Peace and reconciliation have been achieved through Jesus’ blood. It is on the cross, as nowhere else, that Jesus is Lord of all  creation, and it is here that creation in born anew.




                        The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37):

               The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) - Bing video

                              NGƯỜI SA-MA-RI NHÂN LÀNH:

                                       (169) NGƯỜI SA-MA-RI NHÂN LÀNH - YouTube