    Mo Nguyen
    May 25 at 7:35 PM

    My Peace.jpg


               MY PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU


                              SIX SUNDAY OF EASTER – YEAR C


                     REFLECTIONS on the GOSPEL (John 14:23-29)

                      LOVEPEACE AND THE SPIRIT

    Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel are sparked by a question from Judas (not Iscariot). He wants to know how, during Jesus’ forthcoming physical absence, the community of believers will have a sense of his presence, even though to the rest of the world he will be entirely absent. In response, Jesus insists upon three things: love, the Paraclete (Holy Spirit) and Peace.

    First of all, believers who truly love Jesus have his word that he and the Father have made their ‘home’ within them. The ‘community of love’ constituted by Father and Son will ‘dwell’ (literally, ‘set up house’) within their hearts. While, unlike the original disciples, they may not see and hear and touch Jesus physically, faith will give them a sense of living constantly the extraordinary of being ‘at home’ with God and God’s ‘at home-ness’ with them.

    Secondly, to compensate for the loss of the teaching, guidance and encouragement under trial given by Jesus, they will have the presence of the Holy Spirit. The description of the Spirit as ‘Paraclete’ or ‘Counsellor’ takes its cue from the sense of a powerful and respected friend who stands by you when you are in trouble or under accusation – the sort of person you would like to have in court as both lawyer and character referee.

    Finally, Jesus will bequeath to the community the gift of peace. This does not mean that there will never be disputes or disagreements but rather that there will be given a capacity for resolving such disputes in such a way that peace is restored or even more deeply secured.

    Brendan Byrne, SJ

    My Peace - Maranatha Singers (With Lyrics):



                                MY PEACE
