    Mo Nguyen



                                                      TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR C

                                                                                      25 SEPTEMBER 2022

                                                                               BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                            WEALTH AND CARE FOR OTHER (Luke 16: 19-31)


    Complacency can be a misguided, ill - founded and inappropriate response to power and privilege. The northern kingdom of Samaria was one that had a period of expansion and wealth while the southern kingdom suffered economically. Amos fearlessly proclaimed that a time of reckoning was approaching when such wealth would be no defence against the forces that would drag them into exile. He points out that it is their lack of concern for their brothers and sisters in the south that will result in them being the first to be exiled.

    In a similar manner, Jesus used the parable of the rich man and Lazarus to remind his listeners that with wealth comes the responsibility to be attentive to the suffering of those who are less fortunate. The sudden reversal of the situations of the poor man and Lazarus is a powerful reminder that the time of accounting may  find us unprepared, and our complacency at best a delusion.

    As the first letter to Timothy concludes, Timothy is reminded of his responsibilities as a Christian leader and exhorted to keep faithful to the instructions he has been given. There is an air of solemnity as he is called to fulfil his duty in a spirit of faith, love, patience and gentleness until the return of the Lord at the end of time. As Jesus stood up to witness to the truth before Pontius Pilate, Timothy is challenged to let his leadership of the community serve as his testimony when the Lord returns.




                Poor Man Lazarus by Jester Hairston - Bing video

                                                                                 (420) Poor Man Lazarus - YouTube


                       Rich man and poor Lazarus | Sandy Tales:

              Rich man and poor Lazarus | Sandy Tales - Bing video


           CHO CON BIẾT YÊU THƯƠNG - Lm Nguyễn Sang & Gia Ân:

      CHO CON BIẾT YÊU THƯƠNG - Lm Nguyễn Sang & Gia Ân - Bing video