    Mo Nguyen


                                                  TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR C

                                                                                 16 OCTOBER 2022

                                                                        BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                          PRAYER AND THE SCRIPTURES (Luke 18: 1-8)


    Many people find the scriptures both fascinating and confusing. Written for different times and cultures between 2000-3000 years ago, it should come as no surprise that there are occasions when their meaning is not immediately clear, and their application to our lives uncertain. Today’s readings from the second letter to Timothy reveal that it was not all that different for Christians late in the first century. Paul’s letters were just beginning to be gathered and the gospels were just beginning to be preserved in written form. How should a community of faith make use of the Old Testament and these new Christian writings?


    Timothy is challenged on a number of levels to use the scriptures as a resource for his ministry. One of the deepest challenges in the reading is that of proclaiming the message whether it is welcomed or not. It is a call to have the courage of one’s convictions and persistent and enduring faith.


    Jesus’ parable about the widow and the unjust judge, as well as Moses’ victory over the Amalekites, focus on how persistent and hope-filled prayer is essential for the life of faith. In an age when communication is almost instantaneous, it can come as a shock to learn that it is by patiently waiting and listening that we will best hear God’s voice. While it may seem that God is slow to answer, sometimes it’s our hearts that are slow to grow, change, and be attuned to God’s plans!



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