    Kris East
    Fri, Mar 4 at 9:30 AM
    MKL standard transparent

    Image: Bangladeshi woman and child (Sprague/Bangladesh)

    Dear Deacon Dinh,


    Here we go again.  Just as Winter gives way to Spring, we are given a new chance to take off our blinders to better see the signs of the times. Jesus invites us to use prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, as ways to see  the world around us with his eyes. As missionary disciples, these spiritual practices should call us to refocus and see where God’s love needs to break through, particularly in communities that are struggling to rise from the ashes. 


    To help, we have Reflection Guides based on the Sunday Gospels that can be used in a group or on your own. We also have Guides especially for families and children. Explore our website to see all our Lenten Resources including the Stations of the Cross. Visit us at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress this week and get a free ORBIS book.


    Holy Spirit, breath of God. You drove Jesus into the desert for 40 days that opened his eyes to your mission. He emerged to see a world in need of your love, especially among the sick, poor and oppressed. Drive us into our own deserts this Lent where we can remove the blinders that keep us from having an encounter with your holy presence. Open our eyes and impassion us with the fire of love for everyone and all creation. Come Holy Spirit, increase our compassion for those at the margins.

    Our monthly webinar featuring a Maryknoll missioner is accepting signups for the next one with Br. Loren Beaudry on March 17th.  He will share with us his work with Tanzanian schools to better teach learning disabled students. 


    The Maryknoll Community Outreach Team is sponsoring a Women's Day of Prayer on March 5.  Click here to find out how you can participate!


    We are with you in our prayers this Lent,

    Fr. Alfonso and the Maryknoll Mission Education Team