    Mo Nguyen
    Jun 22 at 3:41 PM




             Miracles -5- loaves-&-2- fishes


    The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) / C

                                Sunday 23 June 2019 – Lk 9:11-17

                                    Reflections on the Gospel         

                                          CELEBRATING THE

                                        HOSPITALITY OF GOD

    The Gospel for today’s feast very appropriately tells of the divine hospitality Jesus provided for thousands of people, multiplying loaves and fishes to feed them.

    The twelve apostles, genuinely concerned, for the crowd, make a practical suggestion. Send the people away to find food and lodging for the night. Jesus throws back the challenge: ‘You provide them with food’. They are aghast. In human terms hospitality on such a scale is impossible. But Jesus is going to make them ministers of the hospitality of God.

    The people are made to sit down in groups – a clear signal that they are about to be fed. Then, involving heaven (to show the divine source), blessing and breaking the loaves and fishes (the language has clear Eucharistic echoes), Jesus miraculously makes it possible for the Twelve to feed the entire crowd – not merely adequately but so abundantly that even after all had eaten each of the Twelve has a full basket of broken pieces left over. God is never niggardly in hospitality; on the contrary, overflowing abundance is its mark.


    It is significant that in the supply of food Jesus himself does not deal directly with the crowd. He leaves the distribution entirely to the disciples. He is apprenticing them to be ministers of God’s hospitality themselves when, after his ascension, he is physically removed from the scene. In this way the episode foreshadows the Christian Eucharist, the rite in which the Church will experience and celebrate God’s hospitality as a foretaste of the banquet of the Kingdom.

    Brendan Byrne, SJ


    Jesus and the feeding of the 5000:



    The Feeding of the 5,000:




       Miracle of Jesus Christ - Bread and  fish
