    Mo Nguyen
    Jul 20 at 5:53 AM




         SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / C                             

                                        REFLECTIONS ON THE GOSPEL

                                                    (Luke 10: 38 – 42)

                                         CHOOSING THE BETTER PORTION

    Two sisters, Martha and Mary, give hospitality to Jesus. Martha appears to be the dominant personality, perhaps the elder. Certainly, her hospitality is more active and practical. Her sister Mary simply sits at Jesus’ feet and listens. This sets up the kind of ‘triangular’ pattern often found in scenes in Luke’s Gospel: Jesus interacts with a character, usually someone in a marginal situation; a third character takes offence at this and grumbles. Jesus defends the more marginal party, showing how their action is the more appropriate in view of what he has to bring.

    In this case, it is Mary whom Jesus defends. Martha fusses about preparing many dishes. (Think of non-Western cuisine when several different dishes – fish, chicken, lamp, vegetable, etc.- are placed before guests all at once.) Jesus points out that just one dish would have been enough. Drawing a metaphor from the meal, he states that, by simply listening to him, Mary has ‘chosen the better portion’ – that is, of the ‘meal’ that he is providing.

    Many readers of this episode, especially women, side with Martha. Her complaint is very reasonable.

    But this is precisely the point. Frenetic service, even service of the Lord, can be a deceptive distraction from what is most appropriate. Good people often measure their goodness by all they do for the Lord, forgetting that nothing that they can ever do could match all they need to receive. The Lord’s primary intent towards us is to bestow life, love and salvation. That is the ‘better portion’ that Mary understands and receives.

    Brendan Byrne, SJ


                     Mary and Martha



    Mary and Martha (video to song by Colin Buchanan):




    Mary and Martha:



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