    Mo Nguyen


                                                                        SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B

                                                                                                        18th July 2021




                              TIME FOR A NEW BEGINNING


                                                                                          BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                                        TIME FOR A NEW BEGINNING

                                                                                                  (Mark 6: 30 – 34)


    The scene of Jesus stepping ashore and taking pity on the crowds who were desperately looking for a guide and shepherd has always been a poignant and moving one. Jesus had taken the disciples aside after the rigours of their mission of preaching. It was to be a moment of rest and reflection, of coming to terms with what they had experienced and learned in their new-found mission. Perhaps what they learn, more than anything else, is the hunger and need the people have for what Jesus has to offer by his presence and teaching.

    Centuries before, Jeremiah had spoken of God’s promise to shepherd the people of Israel and to raise up new shepherds, and a truly wise king. With the mission of the Twelve, and the preaching and healing ministry of Jesus the people have the eyes to see that God’s promises are being fulfilled. The time for a new beginning has come.

    Paul and the communities formed by him had no experience of the earthly mission of Jesus and it naturally led them to ponder on what difference the life and the death of Jesus had made. Today’s reading from Ephesians invites us to see the death of Jesus as the means that God used to bring a new humanity to birth. The age-old division between Jews and Gentiles has now been broken down. It is as though Jesus on the cross took to himself all our anger, violence and division, transforming it by the power of his healing and self-giving love.



    Secret Garden - Song for a New Beginning:





    Nhạc Beat - Đáp Ca Chúa Nhật XVI Thường Niên Năm B - Thánh Vịnh 22 - Linh mục Huy Hoàng:



