    Mo Nguyen

                                                                                 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B

                                                                                                                   19 SEPTEMBER 2021




                              LIVING WITH OUR DIFFERENCES


                                                                                                BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                              LIVING WITH OUR DIFFERENCES (Mark 9: 30-37)

    As the letter of James observes, wherever there is jealousy and ambition there is disharmony. It is the sign of both human and spiritual maturity to be able to live in peace with ourselves and others. A reality of life is that there are differences between people and that they can often be a source of division and discontent. Today’s readings invite us to reflect on the ways in which differences can be life-giving rather than destructive.

    For the writer of the book of Wisdom the truly righteous person will be a thorn in the side of those whose values they do not share. The implied challenge is that of daring to be different when it means being true to our values.

    Even within the Christian community the problems provided by our differences and desire for recognition need to be addressed. It is to the credit of the early Christians that they did not veneer over their very real differences and honestly admitted their difficulties in this area. At the very moment that Jesus is speaking of the violent death that awaits him the disciples are already arguing among themselves about who is the greatest. It is precisely in  this context that Jesus reveals to them that true greatness has always been found in the ability to serve and sacrifice oneself for the good of others. It is not that differences do not exist, or that some have the responsibility of leadership. What counts is the manner in which that responsibility is exercised. In that, Jesus remains our most enduring example.


    Chris Tomlin - Lord I Need You:



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