    Mo Nguyen

                                                                              LAST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


                                                  OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE – YEAR B


                                                                                          21 NOVEMBER 2021





                                                                                     BREAKING OPEN THE WORD


                                                                                     WITNESSING TO THE TRUTH

                                                                                                (John 18: 33-37)


    In the ancient world, the monarchy was understood as a sacred institution. The ruler was appointed, sustained, and legitimated by the gods. The king was understood to rule with the blessing of the gods and acted on their behalf in the human sphere. Notwithstanding this perception of the dignity of the monarchy, Israel’s experience of this institution was a mixed one – not all rulers exhibited the qualities which the psalms and prophets spoke of as desirable and necessary in a monarch.


    Today’s readings invite us at the end of the Church’s year to ponder anew the nature of Jesus’ kingship and the royal dignity each of us shares by virtue of our baptism. Pilate was confronted with the problem of determining Jesus’ identity and whether he was guilty of the crime of sedition. After some questioning, Jesus’ identity as a king emerges, but in an unexpected manner. As king, Jesus’ role in not that of earthly rule but of bearing witness to the truth about the God who sent him into the world.


    The kingship of Jesus is proclaimed in the reading from the Apocalypse but in such a way that the reader never loses sight of the manner in which it was most clearly given expression. Jesus’ death on the cross is the means by which we are once again reconciled to God and is the source of the dignity of all those who are baptised. It is by witnessing to the truth that we exercise the dignity which has been given to us in baptism.




          Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life - Rich Moore / Christian Music:


    Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life - Rich Moore / Christian Music - Bing 






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