    Mo Nguyen

                                                                SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR C


                                                                                         20 FEBRUARY 2O22




                                           A HEAVENLY IMAGE


                                                                                 BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                            A HEAVENLY IMAGE (Luke 6: 27-38)


    Both today’s first reading and Gospel passage deal with what is the appropriate response to those who seek to harm us. Saul set out to destroy David and now as he sleeps his life is in David’s hands. Will David return violence for violence, death for persecution? Everyone can cite the wounds they have received, the wrongs they have endured as a justification for retaliation and vengeance. The problem with giving violence in response to violence is that the vicious cycle never finishes – one violent act leads to another. Like David, Jesus knew that it is only by being able to forgive that this cycle can be stopped. At the heart of the Gospel is the call to a love that counters hurt, misunderstanding, oppression, and persecution with forgiveness and generosity.


    As Paul continues to unfold his arguments for the bodily resurrection of Christians, he compares two Adams. The first Adam is found in the book of Genesis and the second is the risen Lord Jesus. For Paul, it is eminently reasonable that since we have borne the image of the first Adam by having a body, we will also bear the image of the second Adam by sharing in the bodily resurrection. The Corinthians knew that they had been baptised into the death and resurrection of Jesus, but Paul knew that they had not fully entered into the life of the resurrection. This would only come about when they had received their glorified bodies at the end of time.



                       Heavenly Sunlight - The Gaithers – lyrics:

                       Heavenly Sunlight - The Gaithers - lyrics - YouTube



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