    Mo Nguyen


                                                             EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR C


                                                                                      27 FEBRUARY 2022





                                                                                    BREAKING OPEN THE WORD


                                                                         VICTORY THROUGH CHRIST (Luke 6: 39-45)


    We often hear it said that speak louder than words, and that talk is cheap. While these sayings may well be true, what we say provides others with a window into our hearts. Both the first reading and the Gospel invite us to reflect upon the quality of our speech and what it reveals about where our heart lies. As trees are judged on the quality of their fruit so our hearts are judged on the quality of our speech. Jesus’ words forcefully remind us that before we judge others, we would do well to look to ourselves and the quality of the fruit we bear in our actions and in the words we speak.


    As Paul his time, he understood that sin and death had entered the world through the fall of Adam. When Paul states that sin gets its power from the law, he invites the Corinthians to reflect on the paradox posed by the Jewish law. While the law calls us to righteousness, its very existence in living proof of the power of sin, since the commands of the law would not be necessary if there was no sin. Paul sees the death and resurrection of Jesus as the first fruits of a crop that is yet to come. In the meantime, the community is called to continue to live their Christian lives in the hope that they are not working in vain.




                                         Victory In Jesus with Lyrics:





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