    Mo Nguyen

                                                                                   FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT - YEAR C


                                                                                                   06 MARCH 2022





                                                                                        BREAKING OPEN THE WORD


                                                                                CONFESSION OF FAITH (Luke 4: 1-13)


    It is said that without the faculty of memory there can be no sense of identity. We don’t know who we are or where we are going without knowing where we have been. For the people of Israel, it was critical to remember with gratitude the saving acts of God that had brought them to the land of promise, passing from slavery to freedom. Today’s text from Deuteronomy was Israel’s first creed and it played an important role in forming Israel’s identity as a people cherished and chosen to be God’s people in a unique way.

    In the temptation scene, we see Jesus coming to term with his identity as God’s Son. Where was his life going? How was he to live as Son of God? For 40 days the devil searches and probes, entices, and challenges. Ultimately, Jesus proclaims that God is the source of his life, the devil’s offer of power an illusion, and forcing God’s hand is not acceptable for the person of faith.

    In writing to the Christian community of Rome, Paul had to deal with the question of the identity of Christians and their relationship to the people of Israel and the Jewish law. While the people of Israel continued to have a special place in God’s plans, Paul knew that the law that had been given to Moses now played a secondary role for Christians. Paul makes it clear that due to God’s graciousness both Jews and Gentiles can be saved by means of faith in Jesus.






              Confession of Faith - A Song About Standing on God's Word:

                   (71) Confession of Faith - A Song About Standing on God's Word -              YouTube





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