FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT – YEAR C

                                                                                          03 APRIL 2022




                                                                         BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                       LIVING WATER (John 8: 1-11)


    To the people of Israel in exile, Isaiah speaks of a new highway that God is making in the wilderness, a highway that would change the face of the wilderness forever. No longer desolate, the people would have what they needed, and their thirst for vindication and homecoming from exile would be satisfied.

    On the road to Damascus, Paul’s world had changed forever. He has come to see that, for him, the living water that Jesus the Messiah offers is the only prize worth striving for. As a Pharisee, he had sought perfection through faithfulness to the Jewish law. He had come to appreciate that, as beautiful as the Jewish law was, Jesus’ death and resurrection had opened a new pathway to God’s grace. He knew he was not perfect. In response to his experience of the Risen One, he set out to travel that road with all his heart and love as a missionary and apostle.

    The episode of the woman caught in adultery is another moving example of how the living God can break into our world and provide water in the desert of human heart. Surrounded by rejection and mistaken self-righteousness, this woman is isolated and faces the threat of a brutal death. As her accusers call for her execution Jesus writes in the sand. Ever so gently a new highway is being laid and we are invited to walk it. By not condemning or judging, Jesus shows how, we too, can walk this path and provide living water for each other.





          God of Mercy and compassion look with pity upon me with Lyrics.:

    God of Mercy and compassion look with pity upon me with Lyrics. - Bing video


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