    Mo Nguyen




                                                        THIRTEEN SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR C

                                                                                       26 JUNE 2022

                                                                           BREAKING OPEN THE WORD

                                                                  THE CALL TO FOLLOW (Luke 9: 51-62)


    When Paul wrote to the Christians of Galatia it was to his own converts, people he had evangelised and continued to guide in their journey of faith. As Gentile converts. Paul had not required them to follow all the demands of the Jewish Law. Later, Jewish Christians arrived arguing that Paul was mistaken and this led to confusion and conflict among them.

    Paul’s response is to remind the Galatians that they are called to freedom and that Gentile Christians had no need to follow all the requirements of the Jewish Law in order to be Christians. However, the freedom to which Christians are called cannot be confused with self-indulgence since Christians are all called to be faithful to the demands of the higher law of love.

    The beginning of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem is the appropriate time to clarify the nature of discipleship and its demands. The disciples must learn that Jesus’ road is one of peace and that they should move on quietly when they meet opposition. To the man that says he will follow him Jesus reminds him of the lack of security that lies ahead of disciples. To those who ask leave to bury their dead and say farewell to their parents, Jesus replies that even the demands of family relationships and responsibilities take second place to the call to follow him as disciples.


                                             We Are Called:

                              (134) We Are Called - YouTube


                    ĐƯỜNG CON THEO CHÚA - VUI SỐNG ĐỜI ĐAN TU | Đan Viện Xitô Thánh Mẫu An Phước:

          ĐƯỜNG CON THEO CHÚA - VUI SỐNG ĐỜI ĐAN TU | Đan Viện Xitô Thánh Mẫu An Phước - Bing video