    Kris East
    Tue, Mar 22 at 8:23 AM
    MKL standard transparent

    Image: Maryknoll Sr. Brennan gives classes to prisoners in El Salvador (Sprague/El Salvador)

    Dear Deacon Dinh,


    In the well known parable of the Prodigal Son, a father embraces his lost son with compassion and mercy rather than judgment and rejection. We’ve all been each character at some point in our lives – the forgiving father, the angry brother, and the lost son. This parable of God’s unconditional love calls us to do the same for the lost, angry, and the broken in our midst. Drawing on our own experiences of brokenness, our wounds can become our “superpower” that enable us to encounter others with empathy.


    Lord Jesus, you are God’s love made human. You know the joys and sorrows of being in relationship with partners, families and friends. We often disappoint, betray and hurt each other, wounding ourselves and others. Heal our woundedness. Help us embrace our scars to forgive and seek forgiveness so that we open ourselves to loving again.

    Continue your Lenten Journey with our Reflection Guide for the 4th Sunday of Lent, and check out our other Lenten Resources, such as our Stations of the Cross.


    Sign up now for our next webinar and meet Maryknoll Fr. Joyalito Tajonero to learn how he is building community with migrants who work in the electronic factories of Taiwan. 



    Fr. Alfonso and the Maryknoll Mission Education Team


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