    Kris East
    Mon, May 16 at 10:38 PM
    Immersion Banner

    The heart of ministry and faith formation is encounter and accompaniment.  Accept Pope Francis's challenge to leave the comfort of the shore and broaden your horizon. Join us this summer as we journey to the U.S. Border at El Paso, TX/Juarez, MX or come with us this Fall to Appalachia in West Virginia to hear the stories of hope and resilience.  Come back transformed and renewed to continue your work in forming missionary disciples on fire with the Joy of the Gospel.  Subsidies are available to help offset the suggested donation to cover trip costs.

    Border through fence

    El Paso, TX / Juárez, MX

    August 6 - 12, 2022

    Thousands continue to flee to the US to escape violence and poverty in their own countries. Hear the stories first-hand from immigrants, those who work with them, and the Border Patrol. It is an opportunity to learn, judge, and analyze for yourself, through prayer and the Gospel, how God is inviting us to respond to this difficult situation.


    This trip is particularly designed for teachers, catechists, and other parish and diocesan ministers, but is open to all who are eager to learn and then share the experience with others.


    Donation requested of $925 to help cover trip costs, which includes accommodations, meals and in-country transportation. Participants are responsible for travel expenses to and from El Paso, TX.

    Learn more and request application. 


    Appalachia, West Virginia

    October 13-18, 2022

    Join Maryknoll in the mountains of West Virginia to meet the communities impacted by environmental and economic injustices.  Reflect on the social issues that connect Appalachia with the rest of the country and world.  Discern how we are invited to truly Care for God's creation through global solidarity.


    Meet and engage the communities of West Virginia impacted by the ecological crisis. Experience the effects of resource extraction by visiting a mountaintop coal mine removal site and more!


    Donation requested of $800 to help cover trip costs, which includes accommodations, meals and during trip transportation. Participants are responsible for travel expenses to and from West Virginia.

    Learn more and request application.


    Have questions? Contact Kris East at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or 510-276-5021