TÂM SỰ VỚI CHÚA - MƠ NGUYỄN - THỨ BA Details Category: 23. Tâm Sự Với Chúa Như Người Bạn Mo Nguyen MORNING PRAYER (Tuesday 20th December 2022) Dear Lord, We pray for every member of the Church, may we find in the faith, courage and tenderness of Mary and her husband Joseph grace to welcome Jesus with complete trust. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer. Joseph's Song with Lyrics: Joseph's Song with Lyrics. - Bing video Joseph's Song - How could it be.wmv - Bing video Ca Nguyện Kính Thánh Giuse | Angelo Band | Mục Vụ Ngợi Ca: Ca Nguyện Kính Thánh Giuse | Angelo Band | Mục Vụ Ngợi Ca - Bing video Prev Next