TÂM SỰ VỚI CHÚA - SÁNG 27-8-2019

    Mo Nguyen <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
    To:Nguyen Dinh
    Aug 26 at 3:08 PM


                 Give Us Your Courage


    MORNING PRAYER (Tuesday 27 August 2019)



    Spirit of God,

    We pray for all those around the world who want to learn but are denied the rights to education. We pray for those who teach but who have few resources and little support.

    We thank you for the limitless opportunities that we have available to us. May we use them in a non-selfish manner.

    Give us the courage to tackle injustice and help us to direct our efforts towards a new shared future, where everyone has the chance to learn.



    Tim Hughes - Give Us Your Courage (Live):



                     Give Us Your Courage




    Courageous-Casting Crowns with lyrics:
