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Mo NguyenSat, Apr 4 at 7:11 PM
Devotions for Lent: Palm Sunday
Devotions for Lent: Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the epitome of Lent: a day of great celebration, and a day of deep mourning. On this day, Jesus entered Jerusalem as its king while thousands rejoiced. Within a week, he would be dead, and his followers would be confused and scattered.
For everyone who witnessed the events of that week 2020 years ago, it was a roller coaster ride – they knew nothing of Easter. We, on the other hand, have hope of the resurrection, but also the knowledge that we are the reason for Jesus’ Passion.
I worship you Lord! You did not enter your holy city Jerusalem on the back of a war horse, but humbly and on a donkey. You knew that you were surrounded by murderers, yet you came in peace, and by your sacrifice you would utterly conquer death before the week had passed. You, oh Lord, are blessed and worthy of my praise. You have saved your people.
I say, “You are my king!”…I long to live in the city where you sit on the throne! Establish your Kingdom, so that your people can live in peace. Jesus, I bow before you, and I will sing your praise until your Kingdom comes and is established, and forever after.
http:// imby.net/easter/palm. html
Passion Song - The Story Of Holy Week (Lyric Video) by @scartermusic:
Chúa Nhật Lễ Lá - Palm Sunday:
🔴Thánh Lễ trực tuyến - CHÚA NHẬT LỄ LÁ | Ngày 04.04.2020: