5. Mỗi Ngày Một Câu Kinh Thánh

MỖI NGÀY MỘT CÂU KT - 28-8-2019


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Feast of St Augustine, son of St Monica.


"You can remember how we treated every one of you as a father treats his children, teaching you what was right, encouraging you and appealing to you to live a life worthy of God, who is calling you to share the glory of his kingdom." (1 Thessalonians 2: 11 - 12).

Wednesday of the 21st week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Augustine (354 - 430). St Augustine, son of St Monica (feast day, yesterday August 27th) was Bishop, Father of the Church and Doctor of the Church. He is probably the most intelligent and most quoted writer in the history of the Church. His best known works are THE CONFESSIONS and THE CITY OF GOD both still popular classics.

Compare the Scripture from the first Reading today chosen to commemorate the life of St Augustine and that of Monica yesterday:

"You can remember how we treated every one of you as a father treats his children, teaching you what was right, encouraging you and appealing to you to live a life worthy of God, who is calling you to share the glory of his kingdom." (1 Thessalonians 2: 11 - 12).

For Monica:

"We were gentle among you, as a nursing mother cares for her children.  With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us." (1 Thessalonians 2: 7 - 8).

Like mother, like son. Monica tutored Augustine into the Faith and inculcated in him a strong pastoral instinct.

"O God, You have made us for Yourself. Our hearts are restless till they rest in You." Most quoted phrase from St Augustine. Still true!
St Augustine, pray for us.

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Monday, August 26, 2019

St Monica, the holy mother of St Augustine.


"We were gentle among you, as a nursing mother cares for her children.  With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us." (1 Thessalonians 2: 7 - 8).

Tuesday of the 21st week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Monica, the mother of the great St Augustine. Here is what the Church says of St Monica (331 - 387). "Born in Tagaste in Africa, she was the mother of St Augustine. For many years she prayed and suffered for his conversion, never ceasing to believe in the power of grace to move. She is the patroness of married women and a model for Christian mothers." (Roman Missal).

The tears of Monica moved God to convert her son Augustine, Monica's pagan husband, Patricius and her grandson.

Monica lived out completely our Scripture verse for today: "We were gentle among you, as a nursing mother cares for her children.  With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us."

We too can become great light in the Household of God if we can live and apply the above Scripture.

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Sunday, August 25, 2019

The unlearned Apostles proclaimed the Gospel with incredible boldness and confidence.


"The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice, says the Lord, I know them and they follow me." (John 10: 27 Gospel Acclamation).

Monday of the 21st week in Ordinary Time. Our word of life today comes from the Gospel Acclamation of today's Liturgy.

How do you know that the voice you listen to at your church is the voice of the Good Shepherd, the Lord? There are many voices out there claiming to speak for the Lord. The message of the Gospel promulgated by 12 simple uneducated men (Apostles) who had never left Palestine conquered the mighty Roman Empire because it is true and utterly reliable.

The messenger delivered the message entrusted to him with absolute confidence and full assurance of the unshakeable certainty of the hope of eternal life: The bottom line of the Good News. People who heard them said to themselves: "These men are credible. Their teaching is clear with no ambiguities. These messengers are reliable and worthy of full confidence." These early converts to Christianity knew that YES to Jesus might mean an early death. The voice of the Good Shepherd is compelling.

This is how Paul summarized the above reflection:
"For when we brought you the Good News, it was not only with words but also with power, for the Holy Spirit gave you full assurance that what we said was true." (1 Thessalonians 1: 5 NTL).

Does your pastor sound like the Good Shepherd?

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Saturday, August 24, 2019

Endure your trials as discipline from God.


"Endure your trials as “discipline”; God treats you as sons. For what “son” is there whom his father does not discipline?" (Hebrews 12: 7).

Sunday of the 21st week in Ordinary Time. My paper castle was tumbling right and left when I heard our Scripture for today in a Sunday Mass at the beginning of my second journey of faith. It was sweet music to my ears. I was happy because I knew for sure that somebody was aware of where I was and what I was suffering.

Whatever trial you may be going through at the moment, our Scripture for today is certainly a word of knowledge and comfort. A sage said: "Correct thought is the key to correct action." This is the great gift God bestows on us in His word: "The word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword." (Hebrews 4: 12).

David is happy because the Lord disciplines him. The Apostle James writes: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1: 2 - 4).
"Those whom the Lord loves, He disciplines."

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Friday, August 23, 2019

When you are not keen to meet Jesus...


"Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets, Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth.” (John 1: 45).

Saturday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time is the Feast of the Apostle Bartholomew. Bartholomew who is the same as Nathaniel was introduced to Jesus by his friend Philip. Jesus said of him: "There is no duplicity in him." What an accurate description of a man who was not keen to meet Jesus because he believed "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" Be that as it may, Jesus praised Bartholomew when the two men shook hands and Jesus accepted him as one of the 12 Apostles.

This interesting episode gives us food for thought: Is the Lord Jesus waiting for you to bring that friend to Him? Invite him to Mass? To enter the RCIA? Go to Confession? Regularize her marriage?

The response of those who are called and anointed should be:
"I will bear witness to You in the world O Lord.  I will spread the knowledge of Your name among my brothers and sisters." (Psalm 17: 50 ; 21:23).

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wherever you go, I will go.


“Do not ask me to abandon or forsake you! For wherever you go, I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” (Ruth 1: 16).

Friday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Rose of Lima, Virgin. (1586 - 1617). Great beauty and talent but gave up all for the love of Jesus. The Lord rewarded her devotion by making her the first canonized saint in the Americas.

Our key Scripture for today are the brave words of Ruth to her mother-in-law, Naomi.  Unknown to Ruth, she had been chosen to be the great grandmother of King David and to become one of the three women in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

What can we learn from the character of Ruth? A spirit of sacrifice, hard work, loyalty and faithfulness. Although a stranger to the monotheistic religion of Israel, she no doubt fulfilled the ancient law enunciated by Jesus in our Gospel of today: "You shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." (Cf Matthew 22: 34 - 40).

"Teach me your paths, my God,
guide me in your truth." (Psalm 25: 4, 5).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com





Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wherever you go, I will go.


“Do not ask me to abandon or forsake you! For wherever you go, I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” (Ruth 1: 16).

Friday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Rose of Lima, Virgin. (1586 - 1617). Great beauty and talent but gave up all for the love of Jesus. The Lord rewarded her devotion by making her the first canonized saint in the Americas.

Our key Scripture for today are the brave words of Ruth to her mother-in-law, Naomi.  Unknown to Ruth, she had been chosen to be the great grandmother of King David and to become one of the three women in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

What can we learn from the character of Ruth? A spirit of sacrifice, hard work, loyalty and faithfulness. Although a stranger to the monotheistic religion of Israel, she no doubt fulfilled the ancient law enunciated by Jesus in our Gospel of today: "You shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." (Cf Matthew 22: 34 - 40).

"Teach me your paths, my God,
guide me in your truth." (Psalm 25: 4, 5).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Feast of the Queenship of Mary.


"The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son." (Matthew 22: 2).

Thursday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of the Queenship of Mary. The kingship of David is the type and shadow of the kingship of Christ. Jesus was called the Son of David. During the reign of King Solomon, Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon was the Queen mother and played a prominent role in the court of King Solomon. This historical reality throws some light on the Queenship of Mary. Here is what the Church says on Mary Queen:

"The feast was instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1954 and commemorates participation in the glorious and universal kingdom of Christ through her special role in His Redemption. Though not the source of grace, she is the channel through which all graces are received, our mediatrix." (Roman Missal). The elevation of Mary as Queen encourages us to approach her with confidence in all our needs.

"Blessed are you O Mary who have believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord will be fulfilled." (Cf Luke 1: 45).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

There is plenty of work in my Vineyard.


"Why do you stand here idle all day?’  They answered, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard." (Matthew 20: 6 - 7).

Wednesday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Pius X, Pope (1835 - 1914). Pius X is known best for two reasons:
His vigorous defense of the Church against modern heresies and his extension of Holy Communion to young children and encouragement of frequent Communion.

The Church on earth is the seed of the Kingdom of God. In this Kingdom, there is no unemployment. There is work for everyone in the Vineyard. The Owner of the Vineyard is an equal opportunity Employer. He will be fair and generous. But do not be surprised and bitter if every worker is paid the same. Why were the late workers paid first?

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways—oracle of the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55: 7 - 8).

Now the punchline:
"What if I wish to give this last one the same as you? Am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?" (Matthew 20: 14 - 15).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Monday, August 19, 2019

Give me Jesus.


"And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life." (Matthew 19: 29).

Tuesday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153),Abbot and Doctor of the Church. Apostle Peter on behalf of the Apostles and ourselves asked Jesus: “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?” (Matthew 19: 27).

St Bernard was a French Cistercian monk who is well known in the history of the the Church. Among peers, he was a towering giant. He was immensely learned, holy, cultivated, gentle, a great teacher and a highly effective preacher. St Bernard gave the world the MEMORARE Prayer. (Remember O Most Blessed Virgin Mary...).
Should you ask St Bernard: You have given up everything to follow Jesus, what is there for you? St Bernard would have answered like another great teacher and Doctor of the Church, St Thomas Aquinas: Give me Jesus and that will be enough.

Jesus is the Top Prize. He is the great Reward! Give me Jesus.

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Sunday, August 18, 2019

He went away sad.


"Jesus said to him [the rich man] “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to [the] poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Matthew 19: 21).

Monday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time. The rich young man turns down the opportunity to become a disciple of Jesus.

Some people are born poor.
Others become poor by their own mistakes.
Some people have poverty thrust upon them.

The vocation to follow Jesus implies embracing poverty of one degree or another.  Some people are committed to radical poverty like Franciscans. The Apostles and immediate disciples of Jesus were called to this type of poverty. Those who enter consecrated life take vow of poverty. They depend on the providence of God to provide all their necessities. God rewards them with deep peace and God Himself becomes their security in everything.

Jesus loves the rich man and invited him to join this intimate circle. "When the young man heard this statement, [about giving up his wealth] he went away sad, for he had many possessions." (Matthew 19: 22).

Do you own your money or does your money own you?

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MỖI NGÀY Một CÂU KT - 15-7-2019

"Kẻ nào cố tìm mạng sống mình thì sẽ mất, và kẻ nào đành mất mạng sống mình vì Thầy, thì sẽ tìm lại được nó."
( Mt 10)

Happy moment, seek God.

Quiet moment, worship God.

Painful moment, trust God.

Every moment, thank God.”



Tuyet Van




Monday, July 22, 2019

How you can become a brother, sister and mother of Jesus.


"For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12: 50).

Tuesday of the 16th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Bridget of Sweden (1303 - 1373). St Bridget, a mother of 8 children became a Franciscan tertiary after the death of her husband. She founded a religious order and dedicated her life in contemplation and wrote many ascetical and mystical works.

Our daily bible verse today fits the profile of St Bridget. Through study, prayer and contemplation, she discerned the will of God. She became the sister and mother of Jesus.

Many of us imagine that the will of God is burdensome. Like teenagers, we feel that the will of God constrains our liberty. I thought like this myself until I discovered the intent of God's will through His commandment: "You must keep holy the Lord's Day." I asked myself: 'Why does God give us this commandment?" To punish us? I had worked for decades. Never once did my boss say: "Take off Friday and enjoy yourself. You will receive full pay for the day." This is what Father God does in giving us the 4th Commandment. Every one of the 10 Commandments is to enhance our liberty and enjoyment of life. Satan deceived Adam and Eve about God's intent in asking them not to eat of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden.

"The law of the Lord is perfect,
refreshing the soul.
The decree of the Lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart.
The command of the Lord is clear,
enlightening the eye." (Psalm 19: 8 - 9).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Who is St Mary Magdalene?


"Go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”  Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and what he told her." (John 20: 17 - 18).

Monday of the 16th week in Ordinary Time is the Memorial of St Mary Magdalene. St Mary Magdalene is one of the powerful women of the Bible. How did Mary Magdalene earn her place in history?

#1 She knew Jesus personally, touched Him and heard Him.
#2 She provided for Jesus which means she probably cooked His food and washed His clothes and cleaned His sandals.
#3 Mary was one of the few close disciples of Jesus that witnessed the entire passion and death of Jesus from A to Z.
#4 Jesus rewarded her for her loving loyalty by granting her the privilege of being the first to see the Lord after His Resurrection and commissioned her to take the Good News to the Apostles.

My brethren, the love of Christ controlled and compelled the life of Mary Magdalene after this beautiful soul realized what Jesus did for her. (Cf 2 Corinthians 5: 14).
Mary Magdalene must have wondered how she came to love Jesus insanely and then tumbled upon the reason: Jesus the Christ first loved her. (Cf 1 John 4: 19).
Yes, it is true. Jesus first loved us. It the magnetic power of this love that drew us to Jesus. O Mary Magdalene help me to understand the love Jesus has for me.

The Sacred Scriptures proclaim triumphantly: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5: 17). Just as Mary of Magdala becomes a new creation with the embrace of Jesus, so you and I can become the same today.

St Mary Magdalene pray for us.

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Martha, why are you so anxious and distracted?


"The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.  There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” (Luke 10: 41 - 42).

Sunday of the 16th week in Ordinary Time. The good news of Jesus today is a word for our time. Go for something that you can always keep.

Martha and Mary are sisters and live in the same house. Their differences in outlook gives Jesus a teaching opportunity to address a problem that harrasses our society today. Our lives are distracted by too many gadgets, information overload and mindless multitasking.

Jesus invites us:
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Matthew 11: 28 - 30).

What if Jesus gives you every morning a list of what to do with the empowerment to accomplish everything on the list with time to spare? This gift can be easily yours if you pray with the Church:
"Help us to know what we should do and give us the courage to do it."
What if you say this prayer every morning?

Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Friday, July 19, 2019

My Servant shall not brawl or shout in the street.


“Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom I delight; I shall place my spirit upon him, and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles." (Matthew 12: 18).

Saturday of the 15th week in Ordinary Time. Isaiah tells us that our chosen Scripture verse applies to Jesus the Messiah. Jesus makes a tactical withdrawal from Galilee in order to avoid head on collision with the Pharisees who had decided that Jesus must die. Huge crowd followed Him. He healed all those who were sick. Isaiah affirms the healing ministry of Jesus the Messiah whose mission is to make man whole in body, mind and soul.

Our Responsorial Psalm for today coaches us on how to respond to such a God whose mercy endures forever.

"O give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love is everlasting!
"He remembered us in our distress.
His love is everlasting!
And he snatched us away from our foes. His love is everlasting!"

"He will not brawl or shout,
nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. He will not break the crushed reed, nor put out the smouldering wick." (Psalm 136: 11ff).

Although Jesus did not brawl or shout during His public ministry, nor did anyone hear His voice in the street, He was nevertheless tried as a public criminal and suffered the death reserved for the worst criminal. What does this tell us about the plan of our salvation?

Have you not understand that just as the Son of Man must suffer before His victory and triumph, so must we suffer and accept some suffering in our life.
Do you not remember all the miracles performed by Jesus to prove that He is truly God and all His miraculous interventions in our life.

Let us give thanks to God with a shout!

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Thursday, July 18, 2019

I desire mercy.


"I desire mercy, not sacrifice." (Matthew 12: 7)

Friday of the 15th week in Ordinary Time. The Lord desires mercy and not sacrifice. Jesus Christ is the face of mercy of God the Father.

Jesus appeared to St Maria Faustina, a simple Polish nun in 1931 and declared to her:
"I desire that there be a Feast of Mercy." On April 30th 2000, Maria Faustina was canonized a saint by Pope St John Paul II. John Paul fulfilled the desire of Jesus and proclaimed the Second Sunday in Easter the Solemnity of the Divine Mercy. From that day, Divine Mercy Sunday has been celebrated every 2nd Sunday in Easter.

What is Divine Mercy? Divine Mercy is the mystery of the heart of God who desires mercy for mankind more than any sacrifice or reparation. Jesus commissioned St Maria Faustina to produce the image of Divine Mercy, a sacred image of Himself showing two rays of lights, red and white emanating from His Heart. Jesus wanted these words written at the bottom of the ankle-length priestly robe He was wearing at the time:

Today millions of people all over the world celebrate the Divine Mercy Devotions primarily through the Divine Mercy Rosary. The essence of this devotion can be summarized through the ABC OF MERCY:

A. Ask for Mercy.
B. Be Merciful.
C. Completely Trust Jesus for Mercy.

"I desire mercy, not sacrifice." (Matthew 12: 7).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Your yoke is tailor-made to fit you alone.


“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Matthew 11: 28 - 30).

Thursday of the 15th week in Ordinary Time. The Church commemorates the life of the St Camillus de Lellis, mercenary soldier, homeless down and out, priest, founder of religious order and last but not the least a canonized Saint. It would seem as if the word of life for today was proclaimed solely for the benefit of St Camillus. In fact this word is for all of us.

How many people today find the yoke of marriage unbearable? Or their daily employment? Think about the burden of debt or financial insecurity? Will this century turn out to be the century with the highest suicide rate among the youth? Yet Christ Jesus proclaims in the short Gospel of today: 'Listen to me! O that you will listen to Me! I have a solution to your dilemma. The Good News is that what you call unbearable yoke and burden are tailor-made to fit you alone.'

Four simple steps to turn around your unbearable yoke and transform it into a goldmine:

#1. Embrace God’s gracious will every moment of your life.
#2. Enjoy the Presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Present Moment.
#3. Learn to offer continuously a Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving.
#4. Learn the power of Sweet Surrender.

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." (Revelation 3: 20).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

God reveals His ways to Moses.


“I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike." (Matthew 11: 25).

Wednesday of the 15th week in Ordinary Time. Who are the childlike that Jesus speaks about in our Scripture verse for today? What has the Father revealed to them?

"I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." (Exodus 3: 6). God reveals to Moses in the burning bush. Then we read from Psalm 103: "He has made known His ways to Moses."

The childlike therefore are people like Moses, David, Elijah, Mary, Paul, Mother Teresa, Sister Angelica whom God makes known His inner life and His ways. God who does not ration His Holy Spirit is pleased to make the same revelation to any of His children.

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Sunday, July 07, 2019

If God will be with me and protect me in this journey, He will be my God.


"In you and your descendants all the families of the earth will find blessing.  I am with you and will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. I will never leave you until I have done what I promised you." (Genesis 28: 14 - 15).

Monday of the 14th week in Ordinary Time. Our Daily Bible Verse is from Genesis 28. God chose Jacob instead of Esau to carry forward the Covenant and promises made to Abraham. We shall see that Jacob with developed commercial instincts is a worthy heir of Abraham. Listen to his answer to God:

“If God will be with me and protect me on this journey I am making and give me food to eat and clothes to wear,  and I come back safely to my father’s house, the Lord will be my God. This stone that I have set up as a sacred pillar will be the house of God. Of everything you give me, I will return a tenth part to you without fail.” (Genesis 28: 20 - 22).

How will God respond to this counter offer?

Our God is a Father who keeps His promises. Nothing is too marvelous for Him to do for those who love Him. God Never Fails.

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Saturday, July 06, 2019

I shall find my comfort in Jerusalem.


"In Jerusalem you shall find your comfort." (Isaiah 66: 13).

Sunday of the 14th week in Ordinary Time. The word to live by comes from Isaiah 66: 10 - 14).

The Lord God promises peace and prosperity and overflowing good fortune to Jerusalem after her period of chastisement. Jerusalem here is a type of the Church. We are urged to find our comfort in the Church and much more:
"Rejoice with her in her joy,
all you who mourn over her—
So that you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast;
That you may drink with delight at her abundant breasts!" (Isaiah 66: 10 - 11).

What is this consoling breast, this abundant breast? Just think of the Church for a moment. What does the Church offer to the world? The Church offers to the world:

#1. The word of God.
#2. The 7 Sacraments.
#3. Light and wisdom through her authoritative teachings.

Everybody without exception is invited to "nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast;
and drink with delight at her abundant breasts!"

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed the man who seeks refuge in him." (Psalm 33: 9).

Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com


Friday, July 05, 2019

The Choice and the Call of God is a mystery.


“Although the voice is Jacob’s, the hands are Esau’s.” (Genesis 27: 22).

Saturday of the 13th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Maria Goretti (1890 - 1902), Virgin and Martyr. Maria died at the age of 12 defending her chastity. She witnessed to the power of Jesus Christ working in the little Ones. In her liturgy, the Church teaches us that God is the source of innocence and lover of chastity.

Our key Scripture is from Genesis 27: 1 - 29). We explore the mystery of the Call, the Choice and the Anointing. Why does God call Jacob instead of Esau, David instead of one of his brothers, Judas instead of Benjamin, Israel instead of Egypt? This is a great mystery.

"For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel as his treasured possession." (Psalm 135: 4).

God’s choice comes with blessings:

"May God give to you of the dew of the heavens and of the fertility of the earth abundance of grain and wine." (Genesis 27: 28).

Through the great mystery and gift of Baptism, we are all called, chosen and anointed as priest, prince and prophet.

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Thursday, July 04, 2019

I desire mercy and not sacrifice.


 “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” (Matthew 9: 11).

Friday of the 13th week in Ordinary Time is the First Friday of July and the feast of St Anthony Mary Zaccaria (1502 to 1539), Priest.

The Pharisees could not hide their disdain of Jesus for mingling with sinners and tax collectors. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God will be like the net of a fisherman collecting both good and bad fish. Do you find this image of the Church disgusting? What type of Church do you secretly desire in your heart?

“Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.  Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” (Matthew 9: 12 - 13).

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Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus this Friday, July 5th.


July 5, 2018 First Friday in July 2019.

The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:  Jesus promised 12 special favors to all those who will honor His Sacred Heart especially on the First Friday of every month.  In the 7th month of the year 2019, we look at Promise #7.

#7.  "Tepid souls shall become fervent."

What is tepid?  Tepid is defined as lukewarm, slightly warm, unenthusiastic, apathetic, half-hearted.
Listen to what Jesus says about such persons:
"Because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."  (Revelation 3: 16).

Are you lukewarm with regards to Jesus, to spiritual things? Regain your fire through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Father Richard Morrow of the Cathedral of Christ the King died a couple of weeks ago at the age of 90. For most of his 62 years as a priest, he was devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and honored the Sacred Heart every First Friday.

Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus this Friday by attending Holy Mass.

For the 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, click the link below:

