GẶP GỠ ĐỨC KITO - MƠ NGUYỄN - THƯ BA Details Category: Gặp Gỡ Chúa Kitô Trong Thánh Thần Mo Nguyen MORNING PRAYER (Tuesday 18th October 2022) We pray for Catholics who are involved in many community organisations of service to others, that they will see such voluntary works as an expression of their faith and be carried out with kindness and respect for others. Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer. The Beatitudes Song: The Beatitudes Song - Bing video † TÁM MỐI PHÚC by Trầm Thiên Thu: https://www.bing.com/videos/search? q=T%c3%a1m+m%e1%bb%91i+ ph%c3%bac+song+youtube&view=detail&mid=AD9A24BB07379DA0C844AD9A24BB07379DA0C844&FORM=VIRE Prev Next