    Mo Nguyen <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
    Sat, Mar 21 at 5:59 AM






           FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT / A          22 MARCH 2020

                 REFLECTIONS ON THE GOSPEL (John 9: 1-41)

                           TWO  RESPONSES TO THE LIGHT

    In today’s Gospel story, the blind man’s physical disability is relieved in the opening scene. But his journey to the light (of day) in this physical sense is only a symbol of a much longer journey that he then begins: a journey out of the darkness of unbelief to discovery of the Light of the world in the person of Jesus.

    While Jesus’ role is the episode is crucial, he appears only at its beginning and end. In between, the healed man – and his parents – engage in a battle with the religious authorities. These constantly strive to get him to deny the truth of what Jesus has done for him. Far from discouraging him, however, the intensifying hostility only propels him on a journey of ever growing faith, that comes to a climax when he falls down and worships Jesus.

    An attractive feature is the way the man’s character emerges as the story develops. Questioned about how he came to be cured, he never goes beyond the evidence; he simply sticks to the facts and draws the inescapable conclusions. His journey into faith is a journey into ever deeper perception of reality.

    The adversaries, on the other hand, resort to denial of the obvious facts, then to unfounded accusations and personal abuse. Finally, they appeal simply to their own authority and status. While the man comes to the Light, they – despite their physical ability to see – journey to the darkness of sin and unreality.

    Going in opposite directions, the two journeys dramatically illustrate two responses to Jesus as Light of the world.

    Brendan Byrne, SJ


    Jesus light of the world – Lyrics:




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