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- Category: 2. Cảm Nghiệm Sống Lời Chúa
10 APRIL 2022
Holy Week is upon us as we celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. During this week we are asked to walk through the events of Jesus’ last days. We are asked to relive those days in something like real time but every element linked to the tomb – until Saturday night.
We start the week when Jesus’ “Triumphal” entry into Jerusalem but link that immediately to the rest of the week by ending our Passion Sunday ‘in the tomb’. We celebrate the Institution of the Eucharist on Thursday but we end that glory with our main tabernacle empty, waiting.
We journey through the Passion of the Lord on Friday and again end in the tomb.
We do nothing on Saturday: we are in the tomb.
Then… the resurrection in all its glory and simplicity and complexity.
All our other celebrations are one-day events: Christmas, Pentecost, major solemnities: one day each. The passion, death and resurrection gets a week.
Because it is central to understanding God’s love for us. There are two important reasons for this long week celebration. One is because the events happened over a week (approximately).
The other is because this week is central to who we are. In this week we delve into what it truly means to Christian, to be followers of Christ, to be disciples of Christ.
All through his ministry Jesus keeps telling people not to tell others who he is: he does this because until we experience this Holy Week, the week of Passion and Death we won’t really understand the true nature of the Messiah, of God with us, and so we don’t understand what it means to be his disciples.
This week, please, enter into the journey. Spend time each day reflecting on how the Passion and Death of Jesus enters into your life.
· How can I celebrate the Kingship of Jesus – how can I journey alongside him into Jerusalem and seek to understand the power and glory that is Jesus’, remembering the Transfiguration.
· How can I reflect on and enter into the two wonderful elements of the Last Supper: the institution of the Eucharist and the challenge to be completely at the service of the will of the Father, as Jesus is at service to the Father and to us.
· How can I/we enter into the Passion of Jesus – not to punish ourselves but to see again how responsible I/we are for imposing suffering
· How can I enter the tomb – how can I just ‘be quiet’ and allow time for God’s love and God’s Word, and God’s will for me and for us to become evident.
· This last element is the one I find most difficult because it is about allowing space for … nothing. To allow for the ‘space that isn’t space’ the ‘time that isn’t time’
that comes between physical death and resurrection. Allowing God to work within us.
As a people of God we are coming out of Covid -19 and entering into a different world. Not just a word of post-pandemic but also a world that is suffering from the growing effects of the extremes resulting from changes in climate and the seeming increase violence in the home and in the international sphere.
How do we respond? We need this time of Holy Week, each of us, to once again enter into the truth that God loves us completely, so completely that he sent us his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to show us how to respond to the demands of the world around us. Please journey with me this Holy Week.
God bless, Father Charles
Hosanna to the Son of David (with lyrics):
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